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2 years ago
Lesson Marks New ReportNew reports available on lesson marks, rather than session marks.Lesson Mark Summary – shows the present percentage by subject and lesson. Expand the subject to show the year groups. At the top of the table are the total number of students and total number of missing marks (- or blank). The small charts on the right, indicate the attendance by lesson marks for vulnerable groups.Mark Summary – a smart report showing by lesson marks and days of the week as heat map of usage. Can be used to track students attendance across the week, by subject or by teacher. Change the lesson mark to see the ‘hot spots’ for your school. Illness, Medical and Lates are interesting to track. Remember you can change the dates too. Remember the red means more of so if you are looking for / the colours are opposite (green not so good). Hover your mouse over a colour to see the count of the mark.Missing Marks – top chart shows how many lesson marks are missing by day and period. The bar chart below shows which subjects have the most missing lesson marks. The table top right, shows the members of staff that have missing marks from their registers. The bottom right table shows the student details with missing marks by name, class, period and date for ease of locating and fixing.Unauthorised Marks – list of unauthorised absence marks used in lesson marks. Can be filtered to particular marks, which will show the student and subject assigned. Student search enabled.As ever the filter button top right, will enable you to filter to year, house and tutor groups, gender, vulnerable groups, student status, key stage and student roll. -
2 years ago
Weekly Tracker UpdateAn update to the report following feedback from Attendance Officers. The report now shows as default, a rolling 6 week attendance, with the ability to add more weeks if required. The colours now show red if the attendance has dropped from the previous week, yellow if it has stayed the same and green if it has increased or stayed the same if 100%. -
2 years ago
Covid Attendance Report - NewA new report today that shows what attendance would be for each student if covid was treated as present or if covid was ignored. A new column has been added showing what the maximum attendance would be for each student, if they attended all possible sessions till the end of the academic year. https://dashboard.dalp.org.uk/attendance-covid-list